Episode 1 "Gone with the Wind"
Episode 1 “Gone with the Wind”
The 2017 archery season approached in a state of tremendous confidence and optimism. I'd begun a respectable training regimen in July that consisted of trail running with weights three days a week. For the first time in 9 years my long time hunting buddy Adam from Oregon was again going to ante up to hunt with me in Idaho. Another first since 2004, I'd finally upgraded to a bow with current technology, and we were setting our sights on an entirely new area that appeared to have great potential. Most importantly, as a new father, my wife Ali had secured a full week off work to allow a 9 day venture into the backcountry. And finally, my great friend Ian from 2014 and 2015 Rut Reports cleared his week- and the three of us planned a luxurious RV base camp to shoulder both sides of wilderness spike camp elk hunt. The table was set for epic results.