Episode 6 "Shipwreck"

Have you ever been lost in the wild? I mean to the point where you come to a realization that makes your heart literally skip a beat- and then begin to race- and you can't slow it down. Truly scared. It's certainly happened to me a few times. Each time I've regained the comfort of resolve in one form or another, before it got too far into the night. And each time it instilled a sense of respect that is visceral to me- a sense of appreciation every single time I make it back to the truck. If you haven't been in situations like that before you might not be able to instantly whip up vivid imagination of being trapped in the wild. What it would feel like to be drowning in the black of night, or lost and clinging to a tree or rock, shaking with terror as hypothermia, sickness or injury had your existence firmly locked int it's jaws. Likelihood of these kinds of circumstances are rare and to some degree preventable, but the hunter like myself who prefers to go in alone is exposed to such risks at a higher level.

Bryan Huskey